2021 Autumn Term 2
The know zone
- The Other Pandemic
We all know that children's mental health and wellbeing has been hit by lockdown, but the problems were acute even before Covid-19. To avoid a crisis, action is needed quickly, says Tiffnie Harris More - Deferral danger?
As the headlines scream of huge numbers of university deferrals this summer, Kevin Gilmartin examines the implications for next year's applicants. More - Be cyber secure
With cybercrime on the rise and fraudsters increasingly targeting schools and colleges, Hayley Dunn shares advice on how to be cyber secure. More - Ministerial priorities
What issues do you believe the new Secretary of State for Education should make a priority? Here ASCL members have their say... More - Blue-nosed leader
Headteacher Neil Wallace says serving as a senior leader in three very different communities put him in good stead to join ASCL Council. Here, he shares his passion for Council, leadership and Birmingham City Football Club. More - Who's your Piglet?
Are you sitting comfortably? An old hand suggests matching members of your team with characters from a favourite children's story to make meetings much more agreeable More
Are you sitting comfortably? An old hand suggests matching members of your team with characters from a favourite children's story to make meetings much more agreeable
Who's your Piglet?
"The past 18 months have resembled Narnia in the days of the White Witch (‘Always winter and never Christmas’). As we begin to emerge into sunnier climes (two steps forward and one back?), we are called to “build back better”.
The challenge is to do this without noticeably improved resources or materials and, probably, with the same very wearied group of people. Sometimes all you can change is your attitude.
In my more whimsical moments, I review the teams I am part of and decide which characters from Winnie-the-Pooh the team members most resemble.
Omni-competent Rabbit
There are nearly always matches – lugubrious Eeyore, motherly Kanga, omni-competent Rabbit, Wol holding forth interminably about obscure and historic issues that weren’t actually on the agenda at all and ebullient Tigger, full of energy, enthusiasm and bright ideas that haven’t been thought through.
At our peril, we neglect the overlooked and self-effacing: Piglet’s very weaknesses and perceived disadvantages qualified him to become a hero. The ‘Bear of Very Little Brain’ provided flashes of genius and discovered the North Pole.
Sometimes we come unstuck: confident, capable Rabbit – eager to manage Tigger’s exhausting vivacity – finds himself adrift, at a loss and grateful for Tigger’s warmth and verve.
Enterprising Kanga rises to a difficult challenge by pretending that things are going exactly as she wants them to in the face of all evidence to the contrary, achieving enhanced team building and integration.
The benevolent Christopher Robin’s deliberate unavailability (‘Bisy, Backson’) frustrates his team, but could be designed to nurture self-sufficiency and resilience.
They encounter Woozles and Heffalumps (conundrums and problems largely of their own making), make unexpected discoveries and celebrate one another’s successes and special events.
Wisdom of Gandalf
But in darker times, perhaps a different team dynamic is called for, one with greater diversity and disparity.
Recently, we may have longed for the prescience and wisdom of a Gandalf but have had to settle for the gritty resilience and determination of an Aragorn, struggling to preserve unity and purpose among an unlikely group of strangers.
Aragorn harnesses the potentially destructive rivalry of representatives of different traditions, grieving at treachery from the only member of the group with whom he had a common background, despairing as all seems to fall apart.
Frodo bleakly perseveres in his apparently futile quest; ultimately, the two lightweights on the team significantly affect the final positive outcome.
Whatever we face now, may we all be surprised and delighted. The clowns in our team may produce exactly the rabbits out of hats we need, and bitter rivals could unite in appreciating each other’s qualities and cooperate with each other.
Crucially, may we all have the grace of a loyal, faithful and focused Sam Gamgee to support us. "
Sue Trill has recently retired as an academy finance director.
Author’s health warning: all texts referred to above derive from a childhood where the literature that was recommended and available is now viewed as limited and restricted. I hope that some of the insights from the past remain applicable and, if not, that readers find their own more modern and relevant substitutes…
Want the last word?
Last Word always welcomes contributions from members. If you’d like to share your humorous observations of school life, email Permjit Mann at leader@ascl.org.ukASCL offers a modest honorarium.
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