March 2014
The know zone
- Do the right thing
Four recommendations in the recent report on whistleblowing by charity Public Concern at Work are particularly significant for schools and colleges, says Richard Bird. More - Save and prosper
In tough times, ‘resourceful resourcing’ comes into its own. Val Andrew offers business managers a guide. More - Fresh look for inspections
Suzanne O’Farrell examines the implications of changes to Ofsted’s subsidiary guidance and handbook and looks ahead to the new framework scheduled for September. More - Post-16 committee
The focus in this Leader is on ASCL Council’s Post-16 Committee, which has a wide-ranging remit that includes all aspects of post-16 education in schools and colleges. More - Great aspirations
Kathryn Podmore is Principal of Birkenhead Sixth Form College, an active member of several education bodies and chair of ASCL Council’s Post-16 committee. More - Ensuring complete representation
From time to time ASCL Council co-opts members from groups that are under-represented to ensure that the views of all types of members are taken into consideration when debating policy. More - ASCL PD events
Whole School Leadership of Teaching and Learning, Student Voice Beyond Student Councils, and Strategic Behavioural Management that Works More - Analyse this...
What systems, processes and people do you need to help your staff develop their skills and their careers? Sue Bull and Vicky Bishop explain. More - Virtually University
Virtually University (VU) links schools and colleges with universities via videoconferencing to help inform and inspire students with their HE choices More - Adding value
Walk your way to improved health More - Poisoned chalice?
Schools Minister David Laws recently announced a new programme to encourage ‘outstanding’ heads and school leaders to move into schools in challenging circumstances. Would you be willing to take on the challenge? Here, ASCL members share their views. More - Leaders' surgery
The antidote to common leadership conundrums... More - Take Care?
No matter the intention, what you call it or how you present it to students, Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCH More
The focus in this Leader is on ASCL Council’s Post-16 Committee, which has a wide-ranging remit that includes all aspects of post-16 education in schools and colleges.
Post-16 Committee
The committee also considers conditions of service of members in colleges, relationships between ASCL and other bodies relevant to post-16, relevant training programmes, bursaries and financial support of students over 16, UCAS and university entrance, and in conjunction with ASCL Council’s Funding Committee, the post-16 committee also considers 16-19 and adult funding issues.
On the topic of funding, ASCL Council echoed the outrage from across the post-16 sector at the Education Funding Agency’s (EFA’s) announcement late last year of a 17.5 per cent funding cut for 18 year-old students, ASCL Council put the following position statement together:
Education funding should be treated equitably from 0 to 18 years and not have a cut-off at 16 years, as at present. Reducing the funding for post-16 makes no sense given the raising of the participation age.
In addition to this, at a meeting with the EFA Advisory Board in January, ASCL Deputy General Secretary, Malcolm Trobe, again strongly voiced the concerns of members with post-16 students about the cuts being made to the funding for students aged 18-19. He pointed out that these students cost the same to educate as those students aged 16-18, are often on a three-year programme and that this ‘cut’ hits the most vulnerable students. ASCL, SFCA and AoC collaborated closely on statements condemning the decision, which were reported in the media.
It is likely that funding rates and allocations will be published this month.
- Free breakfast clubs: good for everyone?
Issue 133 - 2025 Spring Term - The equity approach
Issue 133 - 2025 Spring Term - AI: Help or hinderance?
Issue 133 - 2025 Spring Term - Towards a Brighter Future
Issue 133 - 2025 Spring Term - Effective wellbeing practices
Issue 133 - 2025 Spring Term
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