2024 Autumn Term


  • A sea change?
    Labour promised a sea of changes in the party's election manifesto, but how is this playing out so far for education and what challenges lie ahead? Here Pepe Di'Iasio takes a deeper look. More
  • Fe Fi Fo Fund
    If the new government is serious about growing skills and strengthening the economy, then it must first fully commit to funding an FE and skills sector that has been neglected for far too long, says ASCL's Dr Anne Murdoch. More
  • A brighter future
    Headteacher Manny Botwe says he's incredibly proud and delighted to be your ASCL President. Here he shares his passion for education and leadership, and his mission to ensure a brighter future for all children and young people. More
  • Essential support for you
    Supporting your professional interests is the cornerstone of our work. In this piece, ASCL's Richard Tanton offers a recap of yet another busy year for his team, dedicated to advising and representing school, college, and trust leaders. More
  • Taking care of you
    As leaders, we pride ourselves on looking after others, but who's checking in on you? Here, headteacher turned counsellor, Helen Loughran, shares tips and advice on how to look after your mental health and wellbeing. More
  • Time for a change?
    ASCL's Tom Middlehurst shares insights from our recent exams survey and the worrying reasons why we may need urgent reform. More
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Supporting your professional interests is the cornerstone of our work. In this piece, ASCL’s Richard Tanton offers a recap of yet another busy year for his team, dedicated to advising and representing school, college, and trust leaders.

Essential support for you

There are countless reasons why educational leaders across the UK choose to join ASCL as their trade union. Yet, one sentiment rises to the top: it’s the unparalleled quality of individual support that ASCL offers to its members. At the core of our mission is a commitment to stand by you, offering bespoke guidance and representation whenever you need it. This dedication underscores our role in supporting school and college leaders through every professional challenge.

A year in review

The past academic year has been another busy one for the ASCL member support team. Our hotline handled 6,865 enquiries, with 1,569 calls resulting in further support referrals and in-depth casework by our regional and field staff. These figures highlight the importance of the hotline as the frontline service of our trade union. Whether you're facing an employment issue or seeking clarification on a professional matter, one call or email to our hotline opens the door to a wealth of expertise. As our General Secretary, Pepe Di’lasio, often says, “We’re here for you when you need us,” and this is a promise we keep every single day.

Supporting employment concerns

One of the primary reasons members contact our hotline is to seek advice about their employment. Last academic year, issues related to individual professional circumstances were among the most common topics of enquiry. This includes everything from contract concerns to employment disputes, each handled with the utmost confidentiality and care. Among these issues, pension queries stood out, requiring guidance from experts like our Pensions Specialist, Jacques Szemalikowski.

Expertise on the ground

Our hotline is staffed by dedicated professionals, but sometimes the complexity of a case demands a more hands-on approach. In these instances, the hotline team may refer the case to one of our regional officers or field officers (ROFOs). These highly experienced individuals are well-versed in managing a wide range of challenging employment issues, from investigations and allegations to hearings, grievances, and redundancies.

When a case is escalated to our ROFOs, members can be assured of receiving confidential, professional support tailored to their unique situation. The depth of experience our ROFOs bring to the table ensures that members are not only supported but also empowered to navigate even the most daunting challenges with confidence. For further details on the scope and nature of the support we offer, we encourage members to review ASCL’s Legal and Member Support Policy, available here www.ascl.org.uk/LegalandMemberSupportPolicy

Legal support

One of the significant advantages of ASCL membership is access to our in-house legal team, comprised of experienced employment lawyers. In a world where legal complexities in employment are ever present, having such expertise on hand is invaluable.

Our legal team is involved in many aspects of member support, providing advice that is not only confidential but also deeply informed by the latest legal standards and precedents. Whether you’re facing internal employment processes, an employment tribunal, or a professional disciplinary hearing before a regulatory body in any part of the UK, our solicitors are there to guide and represent you every step of the way.

Amplifying your voice

Beyond individual support, ASCL plays a vital role in collective bargaining, working tirelessly to negotiate improved terms and conditions for our members. Our industrial relations team collaborates closely with employers, other trade unions, and our policy team to ensure that the voices of school and college leaders are heard and respected at every level.

The team is an example of one of the many ways that ASCL’s various components work in synchronicity, taking position statements agreed by Council (www.ascl.org.uk/position-statements) and working with employers to see them realised, as well as working with our specialists in the policy team to gather information from joint negotiating committees (JNCs) to inform ASCL’s views.

The power of local representation

ASCL’s network of local representatives plays a crucial role in giving members a voice within local authorities and academy trusts. These representatives, who are also members, find the role both rewarding and fulfilling. They are the bridge between ASCL’s central resources and the unique challenges faced by educational leaders in their local contexts.

Expanding this network is one of our key objectives for the coming year. We welcome any member interested in becoming a local representative to get in touch. This is an opportunity to make a difference in your community and connect with other leaders who share your commitment to education. Find out more at www.ascl.org.uk/localrepresentatives. We’d love to hear from you.

Contract checking

We cannot overstate the importance of understanding your contract of employment. It’s the foundation of your professional life and the terms under which you work. ASCL offers a free contract-checking service to all members, ensuring that you fully comprehend the terms of your employment and are protected from potential pitfalls. This service can be accessed through our hotline. Our video explains more: www.ascl.org.uk/contractchecking

Always here for you

As we move into another academic year, the demands on ASCL members continue to be significant. Our hotline remains as busy as ever, with an average of 30 calls a day from members seeking advice and support. Whether you need to confirm your understanding of an issue, discuss a situation at your institution, or address a personal employment concern, remember that ASCL’s member support team is here for you every day of the year.


If you require assistance or advice, don’t hesitate to contact the ASCL hotline on 0116 299 1122 or email hotline@ascl.org.uk As one member shared, “ASCL has truly had my back every step of the way.” Another commented, “The support provided has been nothing short of outstanding.”




1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024 The Hotline dealt with 6,865 enquiries from members.

That is 30 calls a day on average. A total of 1,569 members were supported for ongoing individual professional issues.


1,865 calls from assistant heads 1,544 from deputy heads

450 from business leaders

356 from executive heads

78 from other roles

Richard Tanton
ASCL Director of Member Support
