February 2016
The know zone
- It's a jungle out there...
As I walk around school during the day I am struck by the differing groups of students that I meet and observe. Each group has its own social structure, feeding pattern and natural habitat. While there has been little scientific research into these groups I have tried to collate my observations. More - Lessons in life?
A new report from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner recommends compulsory personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) lessons in schools. What are your views – should PSHE be a compulsory component in the National Curriculum? Here ASCL members share their thoughts. More - Leaders' surgery
Hotline advice expressed here, and in calls to us, is made in good faith to our members. Schools and colleges should always take formal HR or legal advice from their indemnified provider before acting. More - Great opportunities for leadership development
ASCL Professional Development (PD) offers a range of support to provide you with the solutions you need. Our events, which are accessible to members and non-members alike, are packed full of practical ideas that you can take back to school or college and are led by expert education practitioners from ASCL’s team. More - The appliance of science
British Science Week (11–20 March 2016) is the UK’s largest grassroots celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) that takes place each March. Every year, it brings together schools, colleges, professionals and communities to celebrate and explore STEM. More - Engaging with parents to raise pupil attainment
Parents say work commitments are the most common barrier to getting more involved in their child’s school life* but parents who have insight into their child’s progress can help to support their development. With the busy lives that parents lead, schools need to find new ways of engaging parents with their child’s progress: More - Know your rights
Academies have changed the landscape on employment and too often staff find themselves with fewer entitlements than expected, so study your contract before you sign, says Sara Ford. More - Broadening their horizons
As the latest research shows, children learn the basics best when they are taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, rather than in splendid isolation, says Julie McCulloch. More - Braced for change
Working in a MAT or stand-alone school? Operational or strategic role? Val Andrew looks at what the future holds for school business leaders and school business managers. More
As the latest research shows, children learn the basics best when they are taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, rather than in splendid isolation, says Julie McCulloch.
Broadening their horizons
Summer 2015 saw the publication of the results of a trial, funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), into the teaching of philosophy in primary schools. Teachers in 48 schools were trained to lead discussions on philosophical issues such as truth, fairness and bullying. Children in Years 4 and 5 were invited to discuss questions such as: ‘Should a healthy heart be donated to a person who has not looked after themselves?’ or ‘Is it acceptable for people to wear their religious symbols at workplaces?’
The evaluation found that the programme improved children’s confidence, patience and self-esteem. Perhaps more surprisingly, it also appears to have had an impact on academic outcomes with children following the programme, improving their progress in reading and maths by an average of two months over the course of a year, compared with their peers. What’s more, these effects appear to be most pronounced for disadvantaged children.
‘Orchestral music-making’
A similar effect was recently noted by two schools working on projects with Opera North. Windmill Primary School in Leeds took part in the company’s In Harmony programme, which aims ‘to inspire and transform the lives of children in deprived communities, using the power and disciplines of community-based orchestral music-making’. Children in the school spent up to three hours each week on musical activity and some also attended Opera North’s after-school sessions. Most children learned to play an instrument, and all of them sang. Bude Park Primary School in Hull took part in the company’s sister programme Singing School, with children receiving up to three hours a week of singing and performing arts sessions.
The National Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) evaluation of the projects cites ‘positive effects on children’s self-esteem, resilience, enjoyment of school, attitudes towards learning, concentration and perseverance’. In addition, the evaluation identified ‘some perceived impact on parents and families, including raised aspirations for their children’.
As with the philosophy programme, the projects appear also to have had a positive impact on children’s attainment in the ‘core’ subjects. At Windmill Primary School, the proportion of children achieving Level 4 in their KS2 SATs in reading increased from 78 per cent in 2014 to 99 per cent in 2015 with corresponding increases in writing (76 to 87 per cent) and maths (73 to 93 per cent). Bude Park saw its KS2 reading results increase from 80 per cent Level 4 in 2014 to 96 per cent in 2015 and its KS1 maths results increase from 81 per cent to 96 per cent.
Should we be surprised by the findings from these two studies? They certainly don’t fit the current rhetoric with its emphasis on ensuring that children master the ‘basics’ before being let loose on anything else and its insistence that the best way to raise standards is to relentlessly teach (and test) core knowledge.
Common assumption
The Cambridge Primary Review, the most comprehensive enquiry into English primary education for the last 50 years, argued strongly against the common assumption that standards in the basics are best secured by concentrating on them to the exclusion of all (or most) else. On the contrary, as the review’s final report clearly puts it, it is time we ‘started taking notice of the evidence on the necessary relationship between standards and breadth. The evidence may be politically counter-intuitive but it is also well-established, consistent and unequivocal.’
I saw a fascinating example of this approach in practice during a recent visit to a school in a deprived area of London. The school, which takes children from four to 18, prioritises speaking and listening skills across the curriculum and designs rich, multi-layered approaches to learning. I watched a group of Year 1 children passionately debate whether it’s better to have one good friend or a broad group of friends, and listened to a Year 9 group eloquently discuss the causes of the Cold War while working on sculptures of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
Such rich learning experiences are far from uncommon in our schools. It can be tempting, however, for school leaders and teachers to bow to the relentless pressure to improve pupils’ performance in the ‘basics’ by narrowing the curriculum and focusing on a closely defined set of core skills and knowledge.
The results of the EEF’s philosophy trial and of Opera North’s music programmes serve as a timely reminder that providing children with a broad, rich curriculum shouldn’t be seen as counter to helping them to achieve strong results in English and maths.
On the contrary, broadening our own, and our pupils’, thinking is key both to developing confident, rounded human beings and to achieving high standards in the ‘basics’. We don’t need to, and we shouldn’t, choose one over the other.
- SATs results
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